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Humanities for the Environment

The Humanities for the Environment (HfE) project will continue to be animated by questions about the role of the humanities in the Age of the Anthropocene. This concept was conceived by Paul Crutzen to identify a new era in which human activity is significantly reshaping the geological future of the planet.  The successful Fall 2013 HfE lecture and seminar series continues in the Spring with two excellent speakers, namely Greta Gaard and Jesse Oak Taylor. Both scholars’ talks aim to raise awareness of the need for human adaptation to climate change as well as to explore how we can harness “human energy” for social change. HISB’s “Coastlines” Project will also continue in the Spring with two Friday Seminars featuring outstanding scholars. The HISB’s Port Jefferson Go-Green Community Action Project will feature a lecture in the Village for Environmental Club students and community members (topic and speaker yet to be finalized).