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There are several snippets that allow you to easily use boxes to present content in a visually interesting way, featuring images and text.

Red Rays with Image and Text Area

Allows you to place a row of three or four boxes, each of which includes a header with a red rays background and an image.

Callout Box with Side Rays

Provides a featured area or box with thin vertical borders on either side that use red rays as their background.

Photo Boxes

Place a section of four boxes with photos that have editable text and a link. 

Simple Callout Box

Calls out text within a hairline box.

Simple Promo Box

Provides boxes in rows of three with an image, title, link and two different display options.

Semi Transparent White Boxes on Background Image

Provides a row of three boxes with an image, title, link and two different display options.

Info Cards

Provides a row of four Cards with an image, title, optional description, link.