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West Campus, Health Sciences, and School of Medicine

Screen Resumes ⇒ Disposition Nonselected Applicants

Screen & Validate Resumes

Search Committee

In order to grant maximum flexibility with your applicant pool, you can choose to have your position led by a search committee or you can lead the search yourself, assigning individuals (internal or external to SBU) on an as-needed basis to help in the applicant review process.

Search Chair Training

We provide a quick, online EEO training for all new search chairs. 

Roles & Responsibilities of the Search Committee

Disposition Nonselected Applicants

Once the posting timeframe closes and applications are longer being accepted, your Recruiter will guide you through the selection and nonselection process of your applicant pool in order to prepare for the interview stage.

Application Status Communication

The administrator in your department will disposition the nonselected applicants in TMS and send them a communication to let them know the nonselected status of their application.