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Stephanie O'Brien


Stephanie O'Brien

Professional Title & Affiliation: 

Chemistry Teacher, Commack High School
Lead Teacher of Advanced Programs - Commack High School
STANYS Chemistry Director at Large (DAL)
AACT Governing Board (DivChem Ed Liaison)
Chemical Education Exchange Associate Editor 
Suffolk STANYS Vice Chair of Programs and Webmaster


Ph.D. Science Education, Stony Brook University
M.A.T. Chemistry, Stony Brook University
B.S. Chemistry, Stony Brook University


Pre-service and in-service development of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) in the field of chemistry

Professional Presentations: 

"What's a Science Course Worth?"  Presentation at the Association of Science Teacher Education (Northeast) Conference, Black Rock Forest Center for Science Education, Cornwall, NY (October 25, 2012).