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About Us

Message from  the Director


Objective of ICB&DD 

The primary objective of ICB&DD is to establish a world-class “Center of Excellence” in chemical biology and drug discovery at Stony Brook.  The rapid and impressive advancement of chemical biology in the last decades clearly demonstrated that solutions for vast majority of medical problems rely on the understanding of the molecular basis of diseases, therapeutic targets, drug actions, and drug resistance.  ICB&DD promotes highly productive interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research bridging the West, East and South campuses as well as Brookhaven National Laboratory to attack major and significant biomedical problems to find solutions including the discovery of novel therapeutic drugs. ICB&DD significantly contributes to the advancement of a truly comprehensive biomedical research enterprise from molecular science to clinic at Stony Brook.

Why Stony Brook needs ICB&DD now

ICB&DD will complement Stony Brook’s Centers for Molecular Medicine (CMM) and significantly contribute to the establishment of a truly comprehensive biomedical research enterprise from molecular science to clinic at Stony Brook. Fundamental biological research often fails to include drug discovery, which is one of the most important and beneficial scientific contributions to mankind. Thus, drug discovery is included in the scope of ICB&DD together with chemical biology. The Stony Brook University Cancer Center (SBUCC), the Center for Infectious Diseases (CID), the Center for Structural Biology (CSB) and the Laufer Center for Physical and Quantitative Biology (LCPQB) will be greatly benefited by ICB&DD to promote translational and experimental therapeutics research. In addition, ICB&DD will bridge chemical biology to immunology, infectious disease, and research on aging. It is already well perceived that chemical biology covers genomics and proteomics, which already have a strong presence in pharmacological sciences, biochemistry, biophysics, and microbiology departments at Stony Brook. One of ICB&DD’s strengths is that it has been founded by reorganizing existing exceptional talents on campus, and thus the core of the institute is a well proven entity with an excellent track record.


Join us to explore the exciting basic and translational biomedical research at Stony Brook by adding your expertise!

Best wishes,


Iwao Ojima
Distinguished Professor and Director