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    The Institute of Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery (ICB&DD) was created to bring together groups of scientists working in the areas of Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery with those working in Biological Sciences to forge dynamic, cutting-edge, well-funded research programs. Scientists in the ICB&DD will be appointed as Members or Associate Members and will be drawn from a number of departments including Chemistry, Pharmacology, Biophysics & Physiology, Biochemistry and Microbiology & Molecular Genetics. Scientists in the ICB&DD will have access to Core Facilities located in the Department of Chemistry. The Core Facilities will be staffed by a Laboratory Director for Analytical Instrumentation (a Ph.D. chemist) and an Assistant Research Scientist (a B.S./M.S. chemist) as well as a Laboratory Director for Combinatorial Chemistry and Synthesis (a Ph.D. chemist) and an Assistant Research Scientist (a B.S./M.S. chemist).
    1. Institute Director 

      The Director of the ICB&DD is responsible for:
      • Maintaining scientific excellence of the ICB&DD
      • Leadership of the ICB&DD
      • Recruitment of faculty into the ICB&DD
      • Fiscal management of the ICB&DD
      • Development of extramural funding sources for the Center
      • Evaluation of ICB&DD Members and staff (Laboratory Directors of ICB&DD facilities) on an annual basis
    2. Executive Committee 

      An Executive Committee will have responsibility for overseeing the ICB&DD. 

      This Executive Committee will provide guidance, provide final conflict resolution, perform evaluative functions, and provide resources for the fiscal stability of the ICB&DD. The Executive Committee will also have final authority in establishing policy for the operations of the ICB&DD. This committee will be comprised of the following:
      Vice President for Research
      Vice President for the Health Sciences

      The Executive Committee shall be chaired by the Vice President for Research and shall meet on an annual basis to review the ICB&DD.
    3. Steering Committee 

      The Steering Committee will be composed of several Member scientists, appointed on a rotating basis. One member will be appointed as the Chair. The Steering Committee will be responsible for development of ICB&DD By Laws and will advise the Director on other matters of scientific nature.
    4. External Scientific Advisory Committees 

      The ICB&DD will have an External Scientific Advisory Committee composed of leading scientists in the research fields relevant to the Institute. The Committee members shall be selected by the Institute Director in consultation with the Steering Committee and Institute members. Members of the External Advisory Committee will be invited to Stony Brook periodically to review the activities of the Institute and to make recommendations concerning the scientific direction of the Institute.
    5. External Review 

      At intervals of no more than five years the ICB&DD will be evaluated by an External Review Committee. These committees will be formed to assess the scientific progress of the center and to evaluate the Director of the Institute. Members of the External Review Committees will be selected by the Vice President for Research in consultation with the Executive Committee. Nominations may be made to the Executive Committee by relevant academic departments and the ICB&DD. Findings of the External Review Committee will be reported to the Executive Committee.
    1. Faculty appointments for Institute Members and Associate Members (or Project Members) will be initiated by the ICB&DD Director and will be carried out in coordination with the Steering Committee. Faculty members in the ICB&DD remain full members of their home academic departments that made the initial appointments. Salary offsets from extramural grants will remain under the control of that academic department in proportion to the part of the salary provided by the department.
    1. The expenditure of research IDC earnings will be determined by the Director.
    2. For the grants of Members that are designated for ICB&DD projects, the IDC will be divided in the following manner: the ICB&DD will receive a sum equivalent to 3% of the gross IDC earned and Departments will receive the 6% of IDC from grants awarded to the members. In the event that the University's formula for the distribution of overhead to departments changes, the percent figure will be reconsidered by the Executive Committee.
    3. Overhead generated by members with Program Project-type awards developed by the ICB&DD will be provided to the ICB&DD instead of to departments. The return of IDC to the ICB&DD will be the standard percent normally returned to departments, currently 9%. Other indirect funding derived from grants or contracts from foundations (such as the Howard Hughes Medical Institute) in which the ICB&DD initiated plans for the proposal will be returned to the ICB&DD following the same formula. These funds are intended for the purpose of further development of the ICB&DD.

    The termination of Members in the ICB&DD will be the responsibility of the Director, in consultation with the Steering Committee.

    Oversight of the operations of the Core Facilities will be the responsibility of the Director and the Steering Committee. Funds for purchase of supplies will be obtained from grants of Members and Associate Members.