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Giving to the Department of Materials Science and Engineering

If you would like to give to the department, you can give online by clicking on the icon or following this link. Contributions from our alumni and friends will help us to improve our undergraduate and graduate labs; establish scholarships for our students; and enhance the visibility of our department through seminars and symposiums.

Alumni Spotlight

Join our Facebook page to stay in touch with your fellow graduates ... Alumni of the Materials Science and Engineering Department, Stony Brook U. ... or join our LinkedIn page. Either way, keep in touch!!

For ESG undergraduates, please take a moment to fill out our new Alumni Survey available online at Survey. Your responses will help us shape the future of the ESG program.

If you are interested in seeing your story posted here, send us a picture and a short blurb about what you are doing or attach your resume and we will add you to our Alumni Wall of Fame. Send your information to Chandrani.Roy(at)