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SB CARE Team Policy

Mandated Assessment

The Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs may direct (mandate) a student to participate in an individualized assessment if the behavior of the student is believed to pose a threat to the health and safety of themselves or others, or to significantly disrupt University activities. The assessment is designed to assess the factors that contributed to the student’s behavior and to assist the student in accessing resources to maintain safe behavior. Failure to respond to a directive from a University official to complete the mandated assessment process, by the date requested, may result in administrative action, up to and including temporary restriction from the University or the residence halls/apartments until the assessment and any requirements thereof, are met.

Separation from the University

Voluntary Leave

On occasion, students may experience health needs requiring a level of care that exceeds what the University
can appropriately provide, or they find their health needs significantly impair their ability to function successfully and safely as a student.  In such circumstances, students may take a voluntary leave of absence.  In circumstances where a voluntary leave is taken before a mandated assessment is completed, a student seeking to return to the University must first complete the mandated assessment process (see Return to the University below).

Involuntary Leave

Temporary Restriction

In the event that the University receives information which causes concern that a student’s continued presence may constitute an imminent  danger to themselves or others, or seriously disrupts University activities, the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs may temporarily restrict a student from entering all or a portion of the campus until a mandated assessment is completed and the CARE team has reviewed the case.

Administrative Withdrawal               

In situations where a student is unable or unwilling to carry out substantial self-care obligations, where current medical knowledge and/or the best available objective evidence indicates that a student poses a significant risk to the health or safety of others, or where a student poses an actual risk to their own safety not based on mere speculation, stereotypes, or generalizations about individuals with disabilities, the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs has the authority to administratively withdraw a student. Before administratively withdrawing a student, the University will do an individualized assessment to determine if there are reasonable measures that would permit the student to continue at the University without requiring a leave.

Appeal of Administrative Withdrawal or Temporary Restriction

Grounds for an Appeal

Students who are temporarily restricted or administratively withdrawn may appeal this decision on the following limited grounds:

There has been a significant violation of the CARE Team process; and/or

New information, unavailable at the time the decision to temporarily restrict or administratively withdraw a student was made, has become available and could have substantially impacted the decision; and/or

The decision to temporarily restrict or administratively withdraw is excessive in light of the behavior(s) that occurred.

Application for Appeal

Students wishing to appeal a temporary restriction or administrative withdrawal must submit an application to the Office of the Vice President of Student Affairs at within seven (7) calendar days of receipt of the temporary restriction or administrative withdrawal letter. The application for appeal must identify which of the three grounds (stated above) forms the basis of the appeal. Students must be in compliance with the terms of the temporary restriction or administrative withdrawal at the time of their appeal request and until a final decision on their appeal is rendered.

Appeal Procedure

If the appeal has been submitted within the specified time frame and has identified at least one of the permissible grounds for appeal, a designated University official will review the complete record, any additional information provided with the application for appeal and, where necessary, may require interviews of the student or others involved. The designated University official will be a neutral decision maker who will conduct the appeal in an impartial manner. The student shall be notified in writing of the decision. The decision of the University official will be final.

Return to the University

Students who have been directed to complete a mandated assessment but leave the University prior to the completion of the assessment process (whether the leave is voluntary or involuntary), may return to the University or residence halls when the following steps have been completed:

The University has completed an individualized assessment(s) for the purpose of evaluating the readiness to return to the University; and

The Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs has approved a student’s request for readmission and/or live in a campus residence.

Students who seek to return to the University in the upcoming semester must contact the CARE Team Case Manager by the following deadlines: 

Deadline to request re-entry for Fall 2023

June 15, 2023 -  4:00PM Eastern Standard Time

Appeal deadline for students whose request for re-entry in Fall 2023 was denied. 

August 15, 2023 -    4:00PM Eastern Standard Time

Deadline to request re-entry for Spring 2024

December 15, 2023 - 4:00PM Eastern Standard Time

The student is required to resolve all financial and student conduct matters prior to participating in the re-entry assessment(s). 

If a student has a community based treatment provider, the University will request information from the treatment provider. 

After completing the re-entry assessment(s) and other relevant information has been obtained, the CARE Team will make a recommendation to the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs which will make the final decision with regard to return to the University and/or living  in a campus residence. To return, a student must demonstrate significant behavioral changes that will reduce the risk of harm to self, harm to other(s), and/or disruption of the University community.