AUTOMATIC DOORS Main entrance off Engineering Quad
RESTROOMS First floor Women's "other accessible"
Second floor Men's "other accessible"
RAMP n/a
CLASSROOMS Lab 201- Large, stepped lecture hall. Top back left and right have free standing H desks with no chairs.

On SAC Drive: There are 2 accessible parking spots located in the parking lot on the Northwest corner to the Computer Center. From the parking lot, locate path heading East between the Computer Center and the Light Engineering building. Once on the path, continue past the Computer Center. The Light Engineering building is to the left. Main accessible entrance is on the left (south side of the building.)

On Engineering Drive: There are approximately 5 H spots adjacent to the Northeast corner of the Engineering Building. Take Engineering Drive to the end, loop to the left and once around the curve, spots are on the right. After parking, head back towards the SAC (Student Activities Center) to curb cut on left. Once on sidewalk, head west towards the SAC Loop, proceed past the Engineering building on the left, make first left and head south. Light Engineering building is on the right. Continue past the Light Engineering building to make a right turn. The main accessible entrance is to the right (south side of the building.)
In H Lot: Abundant accessible parking. From H Lot, cross SAC Drive, into the Computer Center Parking Lot. From the parking lot, locate path heading East between the Computer Center and the Light Engineering building. Once on the path, continue past the Computer Center. The Light Engineering building is on the right. The main accessible entrance is to the right (south side of the building.)

**** There is a distinction for restrooms between 1) an ADA bathroom (that complies with ADA regs) and 2) an other accessible bathroom (that has certain H features, but not all.)

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