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Minutes University Environmental Committee 11/12/2015

In Attendance: Paul Siegel Chair, Theresa Tiso Vice Chair, Jennifer Anderson, Margarethe Adams, David Mather, John Robinson, and special guest John Fogarty Director of Capital Planning.

Meeting began at approximately 1:35.


Minutes of the meeting held on 10/12/2015 were approved. Motion to approve by John Robinson, seconded by David Mather.

Discussion of New Business/Concerns/Sub-Committee reports were deferred to later in the meeting in deference to John Fogarty having to leave in half an hour. John Robinson could give a presentation on East Campus Bicycle and Pedestrian safety issues. John Fogarty presented a plan that has been designed and priced out to connect all of the East Campus pathways. This was done as a presidential initiative after a student was killed near Nicolls Road. At present there are no plans to begin the project because the campus lost five years of capital funding to pay for the purchase of the Gyrodyne property. Nor was there any thought originally given to connecting the Daniel Webster and University Dr. paths into the projected plan. Mr. Fogarty felt that it would not be too difficult to change the plan to accommodate bicyclists from those two entryways.

There is an issue with grading and a humped up pathway to accommodate a culvert in the middle of the median, and locating a cross over area further west was discussed. In lieu of the pending project John Robinson inquired about installing signage and flashing lights. David Mather suggested discussing the project with University Counsel and shaming the University into supporting the project. It was pointed out that it was a lack of funds that was holding back the project and that shaming was not a good strategy, especially since the idea for completed fully connected sidewalks was an idea of the president’s.

When we convene a larger group we will discuss the best way forward this being use to keep within University protocols.

John Fogarty had to leave and we turned our attention the sub-committee reports. Paul reported that DEC foresters will be walking through the Ashley Schiff Preserve with an eye towards giving advice about a management plan for the Preserve.

There were no reports from the Campus Rec, Landscaping, Do-IT, and Running Trail Committees. For the Tobacco-free subcommittee Paul shared a printout of recent letter to the Statesman regarding negative feedback on the initiative along with a response from an individual in favor of the proposal.
John Robinson then gave two Power Point presentations. One on Lake Briana and the second, on attempts at ecological landscaping and the difficulties of coordinating the planting and mowing of the meadows.

The next meeting of the committee will be on 12/10/2015

At approximately 2:40 a motion to adjourn was made by John Robinson and seconded by Theresa Tiso.

Minutes recorded and respectfully submitted by Paul Siegel