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Site Footer

The footer content for your website is controlled in a configuration file: 


Open the footer.pcf file, check it out and click the Properties tab.


  • NOTE: All footer content is optional.
  • Address, phone, fax, email, etc. is not required.
  • Each content section can be turned on/off as needed.



Defines the physical address associated with the website’s department or organization. 


Phone / Fax

Defines the phone / fax number(s) associated with the website’s department or organization. 



Defines the email address(es) associated with the website’s department or organization.




Defines office hours or hours of operation associated with the website’s department or organization.



Defines custom quick links for the footer. Up to 5 can be used.

Extra Content

If an extra piece of content is required and it does not fit into one of the above fields, the Extra Content region can be used. This includes an asset.

First, edit this in MultiEdit (within the Edit tab):

Once you have entered and saved your content, enable the Extra Content section in Properties: 


Publishing the footer.pcf file will automatically update the footer on all site pages. Each page does not need to be updated individually for the footer changes to show.