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Mission & Vision

  • English


    Stony Brook University hosts over 2,700 students from China, more than half of the entire international student population to date.   Stony Brook University is well known in China and to China because of the Nobel Prize Winner C.N. Yang who is also affiliated with the top university in China, Tsinghua University.  Over the years, Stony Brook University has developed partnerships with more than 40 Chinese universities.  In order to streamline our strengths and resources to develop robust China strategies, the newly established China Center will play a pivotal role in moving us forward.  The objectives of the China Center at Stony Brook is four-fold:

    1. Develop international student-specific programs and initiatives to improve student's college experience,

    2. Recruit students from China at all levels (i.e., undergraduate, graduate, conditional admits, Intensive English Program, Global Summer Institute) and establish chapters of Alumni Association in major cities in China (i.e., Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, among others);

    3. Deepen the strategic collaboration with partner universities in China in research, faculty collaboration, and student mobility;

    4. Organize short-term training and/or certificate programs with government agencies, business sectors, and educational institutions

    Nobel Prize Winner, C.N. Yang serves as the honorary Chair of the Advisory Board.  We have a stellar line-up of faculty with strong commitment and expertise in China serving on the advisory board.

    We are looking forward to working with you all collaboratively in furthering our China initiatives.

  • Chinese


    石溪大学久负盛名,人才辈出。目前在清华大学任职的著名诺贝尔物理学奖获奖者杨振宁教授曾在本校执教37年,石溪大学也因为杨振宁教授而在中国备受推崇。 石溪大学与中国的合作由来已久。多年来,石溪大学已与40多所中国大学建立了合作关系,目前有2700多名中国留学生在读,占国际留学生的一半以上。为了进一步加强中美文化交流、吸收和培养更多优秀中国留学生、整合中美双方资源优势,石溪大学中国中心应运而生。本中心由诺贝尔物理奖获奖者杨振宁教授任荣誉主席。顾问团主要成员由来自各学科领域的顶级专家,与有长期与中国合作经验的资深教授组成。





