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Readings on Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Issues

There are two sets of bibliographies that appear here. One consists of references and abstracts of potential readings on LGB issues that may be included in clinical and counseling graduate programs. This is followed by a set of references for those interested in various other areas in the LGB clinical and research literature (e.g., couple relationships, family and parenting, domestic violence).

Potential Readings on LGB Issues for Graduate Clinical and Counseling Programs

Compiled by AFFIRM: Psychologists Affirming Their LGB Family
with funding from the Arcus Foundation National Fund

AFFIRM Steering Committee: Margaret Crosbie-Burnett, Ph.D., Ruth Fassinger, Ph.D., Donald K. Freedheim, Ph.D., Marvin R. Goldfried, Ph.D. (Chair), Bernard Kliska, Ph.D., Peter E. Nathan, Ph.D., David C. Weigle, Ph.D., Norman Weissberg, Ph.D.


Concerned that they were not receiving sufficient coverage of lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) issues in their training, students recently submitted a request on behalf of the APA Graduate Student organization (APAGS) to the Committee on Accreditation (CoA) urging the CoA to more carefully monitor the inclusion of LGB-related content in graduate coursework as part of the diversity requirement. To meet this need, AFFIRM: Psychologists Affirming Their LGBT Family has compiled a list of readings, drawing on input from outside sources, including Division 44 of the American Psychological Association. We hope that this list of recommended LGB-related journal articles will facilitate the inclusion of this often overlooked topic in clinical psychology graduate curricula and add to the coverage of diversity issues.

The articles are organized by course (i.e., Child/Developmental, Couple/Family, Psychopathology, Ethics, and Therapy) so that you can quickly scan the list for readings that may complement the existing content of the specific classes you teach. We have also included an Overview/General section for those readings that could easily suit many different courses. Please note that many, if not all, of the readings in the following list are appropriate for a “Diversity” course.

We chose those articles that were most recent and non-redundant, with a special preference for articles that appeared in high-impact journals. Although most of the publications report empirical studies, we have included many theoretical and review articles. 

On the following pages you will find a Table of Contents, from which you can link to each category's references and abstracts.

PDF copies of all of the articles on this list should be readily available. If you have difficulty in obtaining any, let us know which article(s) you would like by emailing AFFIRM at: